Our overarching goal is to improve children’s lives by providing them with the tools needed to succeed in life. To do that, we need a committed team of pedagogically aligned teachers and educators. Educators are the heart of early education; we understand that creating and maintaining a positive workplace culture is ..
Read more17-10-2023
By Linh Dao The learning of Auslan sign language inspires and enriches our learning journey. The learning We know that babies and toddlers rely on gestures to communicate with others and by the age of two, their non-verbal vocabulary is significant. Embedding sign language as an intentional ..
Read more23-06-2023
By Kirsty Piendl Over the years I have dabbled with self-regulation, through Dan Segal (2012) and Stuart Shanker’s (2017) work and have considered how we (adults and children) process stress. While learning more about self-regulation, I realised that the teaching team and I did not have clear practices to support ..
Read more23-11-2022
Rituals have been a big thinking point in the Ngurra this year. We have added many to our day with the intention of making important routine moments opportunities for control and agency. Mealtimes and sleep times have changed drastically from how we did them last year or even the first half of 2022, and as a team we have continually noticed how rituals have helped to make our space calmer and more connected.
Read more04-11-2022
Advocacy and activism are related but not quite the same. Advocacy is speaking out against social issues and injustice, while activism is taking action against social issues and injustice. When we teach critical thinking, we are also asking ourselves to critically examine ourselves and the structures we working within.
Read more22-07-2022
A Teacher Reflection, December 2021 The Flag Project began as a question, ‘Why do we have four flag poles, but only three flags?” and led to a flag raising ceremony almost nine months later. To think back on this project, I feel immense pride seeing the ‘for ..
Read more25-05-2022
The making of the Ngurra Mural by Madeleine Gill 2022 The Ngurra Mural, 2022 The Ngurra children at Explore & Develop Annandale undertook a mural project with Madeleine Gill, Early Childhood Teacher late last year and early this year. This article by Madeleine reflects on the process and details ..
Read more19-01-2022
An interest in immersing ourselves in an imaginary magical world was sparked early last year as the children were exploring sounds and listening to instrumental compositions. One particular soundscape that featured twinkling chimes and suspenseful highs and lows became the ‘fairy music’ and was a prompt to drive imaginary dramatic play.
Read more26-10-2021
Sustainability is a key facet of our curriculum. Embedding sustainable practices, communicating environmental responsibility, and observing environmental stewardship and activism in our children are regular, deep, and underlying parts of what we do.
Read more20-08-2021
Through trust we built connection.
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