We are living in a world where we are regularly being bombarded with negative images of our impact on our planet, of plastics in the ocean and of forests being destroyed. Our society is becoming more urbanised with an increase in the number of families living in apartments. Children are given more low-quality plastic toys and have increased access to technology at a younger age. All this is leading to children losing their connection to nature.
Experts are becoming more concerned about the disconnection between children and their natural world, the increase in technology leading to more sedentary play and children’s inability to engage in risky unstructured outdoor play.
In this months newsletter we share some ideas on embracing the connection to nature for our children.
Belinda Ludlow
“Nature inspires creativity in a child by demanding visualisation and the full use of the senses… in nature, a child finds freedom, fantasy, and privacy: a place distant from the adult world, a separate place.”
Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods
All is not lost, as a family you can take opportunities to connect with nature by:
When looking for an Early Education and Care Service for your child, choose one where your child can engage with natural resources inside and outside the classroom, one that possibly takes children on excursions into the community and one that has a philosophy of sustainability.
Our world is amazing, there is so much to share with children about our world, lets allow children to experience all it has to offer.
Sydney is home to a gorgeous coastline, magical gardens and lots of opportunities to connect with nature. Here are 10 of the best Secret Sydney Spots!
“Teaching children about the natural world should be seen as one of the most important events in their lives.”
Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth