Every Baby Deserves to Sleep Like a Baby

Tired baby in cot


I’m excited to report that Explore & Develop recently engaged Tresillian’s Professional Practice and Innovation Centre to deliver training to Explore & Develop Educators on ‘Safe Sleep and Responsive Settling for Infants and Toddlers.’

Explore & Develop has enjoyed a partnership with Tresillian since 2019 and we are very excited to be an Early Learning service provider to be offered the Tresillian training in Australia!

Tresillian is known as the ‘go to’ place for specialist parenting advice, offering guidance to parents on baby’s sleep and settling, feeding and toddler/preschooler behaviour, along with supporting parental mental health.

I hope that this is one of many more professional development sessions for our Educators and staff.

Kind Regards.

Belinda Ludlow, CEO of Explore & Develop

Belinda Ludlow
CEO of Explore & Develop

Baby Yawning

Reading the non verbal cues

One of the first things you learn with a baby is to look out for ‘tired signs’ so that you can put your baby to bed before they become overtired. This is good advice because an overtired baby gets grumpy and doesn’t feed well or enjoy play and social times.

But, even so, looking for tired signs can sometimes be confusing because they can easily be mixed up with ‘I just need a break’ cues. And, if this happens, new parents can accidentally put their baby to bed when they’re not ready, which can then cause problems settling them.

‘The First Three Months’, a book by Fran Chavasse and Nicola Brown, guides parents on how a baby’s  brain controls their sleep, telling their body when it’s time to sleep.

The book also reveals how at each stage of a baby’s development, the Tresillian Sleep Formula, along  with their non-verbal cues, can be used to determine whether a baby is tired and ready for bed.

Tresillian Sleep Formula

The Sleep Formula formed an important part of the recent ‘Safe Sleep and Responsive Settling for Infants and Toddlers’ workshop, which focused on:

  • Current recommended practices in safe sleep and responsive settling for infants and toddlers,
  • Re-thinking tired signs, responsive settling strategies and when and how to intervene with sleep difficulties.

The professional training builds on the existing expertise that our qualified Educators have, and will equip them with best-practice of when and how to intervene with sleep difficulties, identification of tired signs and effective settling strategies.

The additional knowledge that our Educators gain will be put to good use daily in settling babies and toddlers at our Explore & Develop services, in conjuction with supporting families with their individual routines.

“At each age and stage of a baby’s development, the Sleep Formula can be used, along with non-verbal cues, to determine whether a baby is tired and ready for bed. The more carefully you watch your baby, the more you will learn about your baby’s individuality.”

Fran Chavasse and Nicola Brown in ‘The First Three Months’

Settling babies over six months of age

It’s not just infants that need assistance with settling and sleeping. Reassurance and support can be given to babies older than six months while helping them to discover their own way of going to sleep. This can be achieved by:

  • Talking quietly and cuddling your baby, which can help make them calm.
  • Putting your baby on their back in the cot awake (when they are calm/drowsy).
  • Comforting your baby with gentle ‘ssshhh’ sounds, gentle rhythmic patting, rocking, or stroking until baby is calm or asleep.
  • As your baby calms, moving away from the cot or leaving the room.
  • If your baby starts to become distressed, returning and comforting your baby before moving away or  leaving the room again.
  • You may have to repeat the steps above several times before your baby is able to settle to sleep. As your baby learns to settle, it will take less time to calm your baby.

Most babies take time to settle and it’s helpful to use the same options every time when establishing  a good sleep habit for your baby. More information on strategies to assisting babies and toddlers to sleep can be read here.


  • ‘The First Three Months’ A Tresillian guide to caring for your newborn baby by Fran Chavasse
  • ‘The Importance of Sleep’ Parent Resource from the Explore & Develop web site
Children hugging at Explore & Develop